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Your log home is meant to withstand harsh winds, rainy days, and time itself… It was built to last!  However, if some features aren’t in place, even with ongoing maintenance, your home may be at risk for significant damage. Why is that?

A largely overlooked cause of log home damage is due to lack of adequate overhangs and gutters driving water away from your home. These overhangs and gutters are extremely important to the longevity of your home.  Let’s discuss a few specific reasons why having proper overhangs and gutters attached to your log home is an important consideration whether you are building a new log home, having an addition done, or just in need of some repairs.  When your log home has inadequate overhangs and an improper gutter system, water can accumulation on the roof jeopardizing the materials integrity. The only way to fix damaged logs on the roof is to have them replaced. This is not an easy or an inexpensive job!

In addition to roof damage, if left untreated, you will most likely have significant base log rot. With short or non-existent overhangs, the water can land next to your base logs. You may have seen logs on the bottom of homes that are growing mushrooms or other fungi. Those are prime examples of rotten wood and are primarily caused by your gutter and overhangs not  directing water flow away from your home.

Log homes must be properly protected against high moisture levels. Build your overhangs long enough that they hang at least 2 feet from the base of the roof. With long enough overhangs, the water will not be able to pool at the base of your home and seep into the wood.

Take precautions today to avoid water log rot damage. Give the experts with 888 Log Guys a call at 417-861-7603 or 888-log-guys, for a free home assessment of the water flow safety of your home.