
People enjoy log cabins as a way to get closer to nature.  Unfortunately for some, this also means that nature gets closer as a variety of rodents are attracted to cabins.  Few things are less pleasant than hearing the pitter-patter of rodents running around in your cabin. However, this is a common problem, especially if the cabin sits empty for long stretches of time. Below are a few steps you can take to rid your home of these pests!

Use Traditional Traps

Nothing beats a traditional mouse trap in terms of sheer efficacy and simplicity. Though some might feel it more human to choose a trap that will allow you to release a mouse, doing so often requires more work than most are willing to put in. Whichever option you decide there are many types of traps available, so we recommend you conduct thorough research regarding the best mousetrap for elimination or catch and release.  Another traditional option is to adopt a cat or two!

Seal It Up

Before even setting traps, you should start working on figuring out where the rodents have gotten in. Start checking the exterior of your cabin for holes and easy access points. Sealing these access points will stop rodents from getting into your cabin.

Get Rid of the Garbage

Avoid offering rodents a reason to be attracted to your cabin. This might mean that it’s time for a deep clean of the whole space. Likely, they were attracted to food laying around, so it’s best to get rid of garbage and seal up any open food items you have inside. Once the food is gone, the rodents may choose to move to a space that has easier pickings.

Call in Rodent Control

Finally, make sure that you call in a professional and reputable rodent control company to come in and do a thorough sweep. Though you can likely hold off the rodents for a bit on your own, the truth is that it often takes a professional touch to make sure that they will not come back.

A rodent infestation is a problem that is best addressed quickly.  Aside from the annoyance, rodents can do a lot of damage to your cabin, and they can bring germs and disease as well.

To help prevent a rodent problem to begin with, these 5 pest tips for log cabins will help you protect your home.

  1. If you are fortunate enough to build your cabin from scratch be sure to use pre-treated wood. Popular tree types for cabins include many trees that produce sapwood that is an attractant for pests.  Treating wood will help make it as resistant as possible to pests.
  2. Keep the exterior of your log cabin as clean as possible, paying particular attention to the areas between the logs.
  3. Keep all outdoor trash far away from your cabin. Leaving trash close to your cabin will only increase the likelihood they venture inside.
  4. Seal all possible entries, including roofs, joints and individual logs. Pests seek the same things human desire, including shelter and food.  Don’t leave the door open for them!
  5. Monitor inside your cabin for pests with glue-based monitors. Monitors will allow you to notice the presence of pests before they become an infestation.